Gemilang Coachwork的员工发展与永续经营承诺获认可

Biz Digest
4 min readMay 10, 2023


吉隆坡, 2023年4月28日 — 国内领先的高品质巴士和客车制造商Gemilang Coachwork私人有限公司(Gemilang Coachwork Sdn Bhd)对员工发展所做出的承诺获认可,荣获认证雇主培训生发展金奖Approved Employer Trainee Development Gold award);该公司也是香港上市企业彭顺国际(Gemilang International Limited)的子公司

该奖项由英国特许公认会计师协会(ACCA)颁发,旨在表彰为员工提供优秀培训和发展机会的公司。Gemilang Coachwork私人有限公司因其员工发展方面的杰出承诺而获得认可;该公司为员工提供了在岗位上取得成功所需的技能和知识。

Gemilang Coachwork私人有限公司执行董事易𬀩玶先生说: “在Gemilang Coachwork,我们将员工视为最宝贵的资产。我们致力于为员工提供他们所需的培训和发展机会,让他们在各自的岗位上有出色的表现,很高兴我们的努力得到了这个奖项的认可。”

Gemilang Coachwork私人有限公司在员工发展方面有着良好的记录,提供广泛的培训计划和职业发展机会。


易𬀩玶先生说: “我们相信,永续发展不仅仅是在于产品,也是对员工的照顾。通过在业务中推广永续发展的做法和使用具永续发展性的材料,我们不仅为客户创造了更有效率和成本效益的产品,而且还创造了一个更具可持续性的工作环境。”

Gemilang Coachwork私人有限公司对永续发展的承诺高度体现在产品上。该公司的巴士和客车采用轻质设计,在全球15个以上的市场得到广泛认可。


About Gemilang International Limited

GML is a leading environmentally friendly bus and bus body manufacturer in the Asia Pacific region. Founded and headquartered in Malaysia, the Hong Kong listed company (6163 HK) has unique expertise in designing and manufacturing of bus and coach bodyworks (SKDs and CKDs), assembly of buses (CBUs) and in providing after-sales services and maintenance. Over the past 3 decades, GML has exported buses (both diesel and electric) to more than fifteen markets around the world including the UAE, Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore, with capabilities of complying the respective road safety regulations and market requirements. GML strives to provide distinctive and sustainable solutions to meet the evolving needs from customers who are embracing electrification for public transportation.




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